
To Know God, Be His People, and Change Lives

Cool. So… What does that actually mean?

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Know God

Knowing God is our very reason for existence, the answer to questions of the meaning of life, and the first step of our Vision.  We believe that if we are created in the image of God, then we have an inherent desire and an imperative responsibility to get to know our Creator more.  

We do this by

Having a personal relationship with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Attending a weekly Church gathering.

Group and Personal Study of the Bible.

Devotion to Prayer personally and communally.

Baptism into the Kingdom.  

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Be His People

As individuals mature in their knowledge and relationship with God, a natural desire To Be His People will form inside of them.  Being His People means living as Jesus intended His community of believers to and obeying the commands given in Scripture in a proper context.

We do this by

Serving alongside each other within the church

Teaching and discipling the next generation of believers

Fellowship in Small Groups

Doing Life Together in Community

Caring for those within our body who have lost the ability to care for themselves (ie widows, orphans, or temporarily infirmed)


Change Lives

As an individual continues on their spiritual journey and becomes accustomed to Being His People, we will realize the needs of those around us and the commands in Scripture calling us to address those needs.  To Change Lives is something we are called to strive for as we help others, but also something that happens in ourselves as we go out and serve.  

We do this by

Serving alongside each other outside of the church in the community

Our 1 For One Ministry

Participating in local and global missions

Participating in church planting opportunities


Final Question: Why?

We believe that Jesus gave the church it’s mission prior to His ascension into Heaven.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28:19-20

We don’t get to choose the mission because Jesus did that for all Christians. Our Vision is simply the ‘how’. How Valley will uniquely respond to and incorporate God’s mission. We like our vision because it is cyclical, and keeps working no matter where you are at in your faith journey. Knowing God is the first step, which leads to Being His People, which leads to Changing Lives, which hopefully leads us back to Knowing God but at a deeper level. And on and on the wheel goes.

We are passionate about making this vision a reality for our people, and our community. If this is something that you want to be a part of, we definitely want to get to know you better.